I create a code which gives me back a variable. At the moment the variable gives back the values like value1, value2, ... in one line. But I need this with breaks Value1 Value2 ...
Here is my code
while (test[i]) {
var total = 0;
var spielerName = '';
Spieltag.find({SpielerID: test[i]}).map(function(doc) {
total += doc.Note;
Playerslist.find({SpielerID: test[i]}).map(function(doc) {
spielerName += doc.Name;
spielerPkt += spielerName + ": " + total + ", ";
return spielerPkt;
In html this is simple in the body with {{TemplateFunction}} Can I make an adjustment in html to get my needs or must I change my while loop?
You can insert a line break by adding \n
to the string.