I have an abstract class Foo
I want to have a compile error if I create a new instance of a concrete class that extends Foo outside an Aspect named Bar
I tried this:
public pointcut errorcall(): call(Foo.new(..)) && !within(Bar);
declare error: errorcall():"Error: You must use Bar creation methods!";
But it doesn't catch the subclasses of Foo
If I declare the pointcut as:
public pointcut errorcall(): call(ConcreteFoo.new(..)) && !within(Bar);
It catches the ConcreteFoo creation outside Bar, but I would like to intercept every subclass of Foo.
How can I do it?
The MyClass+
notation also grabs subclasses. This information can be found in any AspectJ tutorial, e.g. here:
public pointcut errorcall():
call(Foo+.new(..)) && !within(Bar);