I'm a little shocked that (if?) this precise questions hasn't been asked, but 15 minutes of scanning SO didn't turn up an exact match. (If I'm wrong, point me the right way and vote to close...)
What are the best practices for laying out Java projects under an Ant build system? For our purposes, we have the following context (perhaps most of which is irrelevant):
project-root/ project-root/source project-root/source/java // main application (depends on -icd) project-root/source/java-icd // distributable interface code project-root/source/test // JUnit test sources project-root/etc // config/data stuff project-root/doc // pre-formatted docs (release notes, howtos, etc) project-root/lib // where SVN-managed or Ant-retrieved Jars go project-root/bin // scripts, etc...
At build time, it expands to include:
build/classes // Compiled classes build/classes-icd build/classes-test build/javadoc build/javadoc-icd build/lib // Compiled JAR artifacts build/reports // PMD, FindBugs, JUnit, etc... output goes here build/dist // tarballs, zipfiles, doc.jar/src.jar type things, etc.. build/java // Autogenerated .java products build/build.properties // build and release numbering, etc...
How can I maintain strict separation in the development tree between revision-controlled items and build-time artifacts WHILE producing a coherent distribution as above AND allowing me to treat a development tree as a operational/distribution during development and testing? In particular, I'm loathe to have my <jar>
task drop .jar files in the top-level lib
directory -- that directory in the developers' trees is inviolable SVN territory. But distributing something for public use with build/lib/*.jar
is a confusing annoyance. The same is true of documentation and other built artifacts that we want to appear in a consistent place in the distribution, but don't want to have developers and users use completely different directory structures.
Having all the generated products in a separate build/
directory is very nice for development-time, but it's an annoying artifact to distribute. For distribution purposes I'd rather have all the JARs sitting in a single lib
location, in fact, a structure like the below makes the most sense. Currently, we build this structure on the fly with ant dist
by doing some intricate path manipulations as .tar.gz and .zip artifacts are built.
project-root/ project-root/source // present in only some dists project-root/etc // same as in development tree project-root/doc // same as in development tree project-root/doc/javadoc // from build project-root/lib // all dependency and built JAR files project-root/bin // same as in development tree build.properties // build and release numbering, etc...
This question is narrowly about the "how do I maintain clean development and distribution project layouts?" as I asked above; but also to collect info about Java/Ant project layouts in general, and critiques of our particular approach. (Yes, if you think it should be a Community Wiki I'll make it so...)
My one suggestion would be that the directory tree you distribute should not be the one in CVS. Have a script which puts together a dist directory under build, then zips that up. That script can combine source-controlled and derived files to its heart's content. It can also do things like scrub out SVN directories, which you don't want to distribute. If you want to be able to treat development and distributed trees in the same way, simply ensure that the layout of dist is the same as the layout of the development project - the easiest way to do that would be to copy everything except the build subdirectory (and CVS directories, and perhaps things like the Eclipse .project and .classpath).
I suspect you won't like this suggestion. It may be that you are attached to the idea that the distributed file is simply a portable version of your development environment - but i think it's the case that it isn't, it can never be, and it doesn't need to be. If you can accept that idea, you might find my suggestion agreeable.
EDIT: I thought about this a bit more, and looked at some of the scripts i use. I think what i'd do in this situation is to build a separate tree even in development; point the execution environment at project-root/build/app (or perhaps project-root/build if you can) rather than project-root, and then symlink (or copy if you don't have symlinks) all the necessaries (whether static, from in the project root, or derived, from in build) into that. Building a distribution may then be as simple as zipping up that tree (with a tool that resolves symlinks, of course). The nice thing about this is it allows the structure of the executed tree to be very clean - it won't contain source directories, IDE files, build scripts, or other supporting files from inside the project, etc. If you're using Subversion, it will still contain .svn directories inside anything symlinked from the static areas; if you were using Mercurial, it wouldn't contain any .hg stuff.