I have an abstract class:
and an extending class:
has the following companion object:
companion object {
@JvmField val length = 2
But when I type Vec2.length
, then it's marked as unresolved reference...
Why? What am I missing?
In Kotlin, a companion object
is just a specially marked object
inside your class. You can omit its name, and it will get the default name of Companion
, and you also get the convenience of being able to use the MyClass.myProperty
syntax instead of MyClass.Companion.myProperty
to access its members. It is, however, still just a nested object
Imagine how things would work if it was a regular nested object instead of a companion:
abstract class Vec2t {
object LengthKeeper {
val length = 2
class Vec2 : Vec2t()
You could access the length
via Vec2t.LengthKeeper.length
, but of course you couldn't access it as Vec2.LengthKeeper.length
, because the Vec2
class does not have a nested object called LengthKeeper
Marking a variable inside the companion object @JvmStatic
does generate a static variable for length
inside Vec2t
in the bytecode, but you can only access that from Java, where writing the following does in fact work with your code:
Vec2 v = new Vec2();
int length = Vec2.getLength();
As for solving this in Kotlin, if you really have to access the property of the base class through Vec2
with that syntax, you'll probably have to do something like this:
class Vec2 : Vec2t() {
companion object {
val length get() = Vec2t.length