I am trying to convert this JSON response:
Into a DenseMatrix of the values associated with the "dps" keys. The final DenseMatrix should look like this:
[1.9519165754318237, -0.4030894637107849, 0.6892277598381042, 3.0232467651367188, 0.07003471255302429, 2.305912971496582],
[4.979776382446289, 1.8036608695983887, 3.0569913387298584, 0.8318896889686584, -0.3151852488517761, 2.563884735107422]
I have parsed the JSON using play.api.libs.json.JSON, and I can even extract the "dps" values using:
jsonResponse = Json.parse(response.body)
for (i <- 0 until numSensors) {
dataMap = (jsonResponse.apply(i) \ "dps")
But how do I convert it to a dense matrix with the above format?
Assume you have same keys for all dps, you can try this, create an empty DenseMatrix and bind each array to the matrix with DenseMatrix.vertcat
val keys = List("1477958400", "1477958401", "1477958402", "1477958403", "1477958404", "1477958405")
var mat = new DenseMatrix[Double](0, 6, Array.empty[Double])
for (i <- 0 until numSensors) {
val dataMap = (jsonResponse.apply(i) \ "dps")
val array = keys.map(key => (dataMap \ key).as[Double]).toArray
mat = DenseMatrix.vertcat(mat, new DenseMatrix[Double](1, 6, array))
//breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix[Double] = 1.9519165754318237 -0.4030894637107849 0.6892277598381042 ... (6 total)
// 4.979776382446289 1.8036608695983887 3.0569913387298584 ...