I'm running a JNA compiled native library through [node-java] wrapper for Node.js 1
The library is Hunspell JNA that wraps the hunspell spelling library.
In my simplest test
var instance=java.callStaticMethodSync("dk.dren.hunspell.Hunspell","getInstance");
console.log( instance );
what happens is that node seems to hang when trying to load the native library from the lib path:
hsl = (HunspellLibrary)Native.loadLibrary(libFile, HunspellLibrary.class);
in this method, so it seems to be a JNA problem when calling the loadLibrary
The library is there, and I have also tried the second option of that method to copy in a temporary folder and load from there, so I can see
Loading temp lib: /var/folders/_b/szqwdfn979n4fdg7f2j875_r0000gn/T/jna5370593161365499003.libhunspell-darwin-x86-64.dylib
that it is there.
What's the data it's receiving and is it receiving any?
getInstance(String libDir) The instance of the HunspellManager, looks for the native lib in the directory specified.
from man(1) hunspell: The default dictionary depends on the locale settings. The following environment variables are searched: LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES, and LANG. If none are set then the default personal dictionary is $HOME/.hunspell_default.
Hope it helps.