I am using the following code to select the tests i want to run one after the another.
from easygui import *
import sys,os
msg="Select following tests for testing"
title="Test Selector"
print choice
msgbox("You have selected:"+str(choice))
msg="Do you want to continue?"
title="Please confirm"
if ccbox(msg,title):
def func():
for tests in choice:
print "tests",tests
return tests
def main():
execfile('python'+' ' +str( func())+'.py')
Now after selecting the tests i want to run those tests one after the other.I am trying to use execfile, but it says
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'python Test_case.py'
Can anyone please help me?
You dont need to pass the 'python'
to the name of the file...
execfile('Test_case.py') # willl work
or in your case
execfile(str( func())+'.py')
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