My meteor app template is taking a 1 second delay between creation and rendering. The delay is after the data subscription is available, so it seems that the 1 second is the time required by Blaze to read the data locally and draw all the objects in DOM (Perhaps most of them are in cache).
The question is: There is a way to add a spinner in the loaded template to cover the delay between myTemplate.OnCreated and myTemplate.onRendered?
The solution was very similar in logic to @jordanwillis solution, just was needed to add a timeout on template created:
<template name="contactList">
{{#if contactListRendered }}
<!-- Here show the contact list -->
<!-- show loading indicator or spinner -->
Template.contactList.onCreated( function() {
Session.set("contactListRendered", false);
Template.contactList.onRendered( function() {
setTimeout(function(){Session.set("contactListRendered", true);}, 1);
contactListRendered: function() {
return Session.get("contactListRendered");