I'm trying to import the google vr sdk to unity. Where the googlevr package has no demoscenes. Instead it has only the demo. enter image description here
this is how I get demo in google vr how to add this sdk and make it into a sterographic view(actual picture of the tutorial.Here it is "DEMOSCENES". But for me I get it as "demo") (the video link of the tutorial check the video from 3:45:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK1_EnZkwCE )
There should be one demo scene called "ControllerDemo" in the ControllerDemo folder and another demo scene called "DemoScene" in the HeadsetDemo folder.
You have not clicked on any these folders yet based on your screenshot. You are currently inside the DemoScenes folder.
If you into those two folders and don't see the demo scenes then get the latest Google SDK from this link.