I am creating a vue webapp, I have few pages with Dynamic content and also few pages which has mostly static content. I want to move all these static strings to one place.
One option can be to use vue-i18n or vue-multilanguage, these gives support to have content files like this, but I really have no use case of support of multiple languages, so it also seems a bit over kill to me.
Another option can be to have a vuex store for all the strings, vuex I am already using for state management.
What can be good approach to do this.
I am not aware of a standard way of doing this, also this would be applicable to all the web frameworks. That said it is an interesting and valid problem.
If I had to do something about it:
To achieve 1, we can use:
file which exports an object
I would go with plugins because:
I can get the strings by merely using this
in a component, Vue.use(plugin)
prevents the same plugin getting used twice, and at the same time achieve all the points (3rd will still be a tough nut to crack). Only disadvantage that I know of it might clutter the vue-instance.
So plugin can be designed like:
// stringsHelperPlugin.js
const STRING_CONST = {
[component_1_Name]: {
key1: val1,
key2: val2,
[component_2_Name]: {
key1: val1,
key2: val2,
StringConst.install = function (Vue, options) {
Vue.prototype.$getStringFor = (componentName, key) => {
return STRING_CONST['componentName'][key]
export default StringConst
in main.js
this can be used like:
import StringConst from 'path/to/plugin'
and you could use this in a component template like so:
{{ $getStringFor(<component_1_name>, 'key1') }}
You can use something like this.$getStringFor(<componentName>, key)
in a method. Pretty much everything that vuejs
to has to offer.
Why I call the 3rd point hardest is: Maintainance if you ever change component names, you might also have to change it in the object
returned by the plugin. This problem again, can be handled in many ways.