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Verilog vector inner product

I am trying to implement a synthesizable verilog module, which produces a vector product of 2 vector/arrays, each containing eight 16-bit unsigned integers. Design Compiler reported error that symbol i must be a constant or parameter. I don't know how to fix it. Here's my code.

module VecMul16bit (a, b, c, clk, rst);
// Two vector inner product, each has 8 elements
// Each element is 16 bits
// So the Output should be at least 2^32*2^3 = 2^35 in order to
// prevent overflow 
// Output is 35 bits
input clk;
input rst;
input [127:0] a,b;
output [35:0] c;
reg [15:0] a_cp [0:7];
reg [15:0] b_cp [0:7];
reg [35:0] c_reg;   
reg k,c_done;

integer i;
always @ (a)
    for (i=0; i<=7; i=i+1) begin
        a_cp[i] = a[i*15:i*15+15];

always @ (b)
    for (i=0; i<=7; i=i+1) begin
        b_cp[i] = b[i*15:i*15+15];


assign c = c_reg;

always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
    if (rst) begin
        c_reg <= 0;
        k <= 0;
        c_done <= 0;
    end else begin
        c_reg   <= c_done ? c_reg  : (c_reg + a_cp[k]*b_cp[k]);
        k           <= c_done ?         k : k + 1;
        c_done      <= c_done ?         1 : (k == 7);


As you can see, I'm trying to copy a to a_cp through a loop, is this the right way to do it?

If yes, how should I defined it i and can a constant be used as a stepper in for loop?


  • A part select in verilog must have constant bounds. So this is not allowed:

    a_cp[i] = a[i*15:i*15+15];

    Verilog-2001 introduced a new indexed part select syntax where you specify the starting position and the width of the selected group of bits. So, you need to replace the above line by:

    a_cp[i] = a[i*15+:16];

    This takes a 16-bit width slice of a starting at bit i*15 counting rightwards. You can use -: instead of +:, in which case you count leftwards.

    Be careful: it is very easy to type :+ instead of +: and :+ is valid syntax and so might not be spotted by your compiler (but could still be a bug). In fact I did exactly that when typing this EDA Playground example, though my typo was caught by the compiler in this case.