I'm trying to resolve my issue a week. I want to achieve, that gulp generates scss files to css with scss`s parent folder names. The structure is :
| | example1.css
| | example2.css
| | example3.css
| |____components
| | test.css
| |____folder
| |____components
| | | test.scss
| |____layout
| | |____example1
| | | | style.scss
| | |____example2
| | | | style.scss
| | |____example3
| | | | style.scss
I tried this glob action in Gulp but sync is deprecated and not working right. But I found gulp-folders, which kinda resolve my issue. Here is my working gulpfile.js:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var path = require('path');
var folders = require('gulp-folders');
var pathToFolder = 'assets/sass/layout';
gulp.task('minify-features', folders(pathToFolder, function(folder){
return gulp.src(path.join(pathToFolder, folder, '*.scss'))
.pipe(concat(folder + '.css'))
// Static Server + watching scss files
gulp.task('serve', ['minify-features'], function() {
proxy: "mysite.dev"
gulp.watch("assets/sass/**/*.scss", ['minify-features']).on('change', browserSync.reload);
gulp.task('default', ['serve']);
This gulp file is wokring good if pathToFolder is set one of folders (in this case layout). But isn`t generate components folder.
Question: Has anybody have an idea, how I could resolve this with gulp-folders? Or some different solution?
Finally I finished my idea. I was pretty close to my result, I took OverZealous answer where is using glob. But I did changes in foreach cycle, where is gulp task function with name, I inserted simple javascript if condition, where I check which name I get from folder names array.
if ( name === "components") {
return gulp.src(projectPath + "/sass/components/*.scss")
.pipe(gulp.dest(projectPath + "/css/components"))
} else {
return gulp.src(projectPath + "/sass/layout/" + name + "/*.scss")
.pipe(rename(name + ".css"))
.pipe(gulp.dest(projectPath + "/css"))
It`s little bit messy solution, but works fine.