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Rails delete link works a bit too much, why?

I am trying to prettify the confirmation dialog that browser pops when pressing on rails' delete links, with bootbox, so I have modified the delete link's code as follow


<%= link_to '#', :class => "btn btn-danger delete-link", 'data-src' => item_path(@item), :method => :delete do %>
    <span class='fa fa-times'></span> Delete IT
<% end %>


        console.log('THIS SHOULD NOT REDIRECT!');

But weirdly when I press the button the link actives and deletes the item! but also it logs the THIS SHOULD NOT REDIRECT! message too!


  1. What is going on?
  2. How can I get what I want (i.e disable the link activation so that I can activate it later by choice)?

P.S: I've also tried this


but the result is still the same.


  • Try adding


    so you're code would look like:

          console.log('THIS SHOULD NOT REDIRECT!');
    • stopPropagation stops the event from bubbling up the event chain.
    • preventDefault prevents the default action the browser makes on that event.

    Reference: this stack overflow question has some extra details on these two events.