Per this XML, please note that BBB exists on two node levels.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
I want to derive a collection of top level BBB's and extract them to their own file, with a file name based on the inner BBB.
My code is this:
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(sourceFile);
var lv1s = from lv1 in xdoc.Descendants("AAA") select lv1;
var lv2s = from lv2 in xdoc.Descendants("BBB") select lv2;
foreach (var lv2 in lv2s)
var name = lv2.Element("BBB").Value;
lv2.Save(@"c:\temp\" + name + ".xml");
Problem is, LVL2 is picking up both the parent and descendants BBB. Can't seem to find a method that effectively filters out descendants.
For example I thought this was the key, but it yielded no results:
var lv2s = from lv2 in xdoc.Elements("BBB") select lv2;
Hoping you can provide me a ways to deal with the problem.
-------------------- EDIT --------------------
Okay I see what I did wrong. A typo.
LVL2 should have leveraged LVL1, like this:
var lv2s = from lv2 in lv1s.Elements("BBB") select lv2;
That said, octavioccl's approach was much better than the bloated solution I came up with:
var parentBbbs =xdoc.Element("AAA").Elements("BBB");
You need to start getting the root element and then select the parent BBBs using Elements
var parentBbbs =xdoc.Element("AAA").Elements("BBB");