In my project, I have a bit field flag (int), and i need to query the database using several criteria, one of them is the flag field, and in my Entity I have a field flag which is an enum, the same field could hold multiple values by adding them to each other, and then extract the result I need using & operator. For example: In database flag = 4 + 128 = 132 I need to check if the flag is holding the value of 128 by applying AND operator, so applying the query: SELECT * from rate where (flag & 128) > 0 so what I need is to send a bitwise_AND using Querydsl and spring data jpa.
I tried using QuerydslBinderCustomizer but couldn't find any method which apply any bitwise operator to integers. I also tried to create a custom BooleanExpression to return it to the bindings.bind which apply the bitwise operator manually, but also it didn't work.
This is an example of what I need:
public interface RateRepository extends CrudRepository<Rate,RatePK>, QueryDslPredicateExecutor<Rate>, QuerydslBinderCustomizer<QRate> {
default void customize(QuerydslBindings bindings, QRate qRate) {
(path, value) -> {
return (path & value > 0) //Something like this, or a function like:
//return (bitwise_AND(path, value) > 0);
I also tried using com.querydsl.core.types.dsl.Expressions and com.querydsl.core.types.Predicate as below:
(path, value) -> {
Expression<Integer> intPath = Expressions.asNumber(path);
Expression<Integer> rateFlag = Expressions.asNumber(value);
Expression<Integer> zeroValue = Expressions.asNumber(0);
Expression<Integer> integerExpression = Expressions.numberOperation(Integer.class, Ops.AND, intPath, rateFlag);
Predicate predicate = Expressions.predicate(Ops.GT, integerExpression, zeroValue);
return predicate;
But i got an invalid operator AND error.
How could this be done?
Thank you.
first you need to extend hibernate dialect to support bit operation as below
public class MySQLDialect extends org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect {
public MySQLDialect() {
registerFunction("bitand", new SQLFunctionTemplate(IntegerType.INSTANCE, "(?1 & ?2)"));
then you can reference this function from querydsl or spring repository
(path, value) -> {
Expression<Integer> zeroValue = Expressions.asNumber(0);
NumberTemplate<Integer> numberTemplate = Expressions.numberTemplate(Integer.class, "function('bitand', {0}, {1})", path, value);
return numberTemplate.gt(0);