I am new in accord.net
and i am trying to apply step by step the following code from this page into a simple application of Visual Studio C#
The code of the section "Standard classification problems" has been applied with no problem but when i try to apply the code from section "Naive Bayes" during run-time i got an exception with that desciption
unhandled exception of type System.AggregateException occurred in mscorlib.dll
With no further desciption.
This happens in the following command
var nb = learner.Learn(inputs, outputs)
My code is the following
DataTable table = new celReader("examples.xls").GetWorksheet("Classification - Yin Yang");
// Convert the DataTable to input and output vectors
double[][] inputs = table.ToArray<double>("X", "Y");
int[] outputs = table.Columns["G"].ToArray<int>();
// Plot the data
ScatterplotBox.Show("Yin-Yang", inputs, outputs).Hold();
var learner = new NaiveBayesLearning<NormalDistribution>();
// Estimate the Naive Bayes
var nb = learner.Learn(inputs, outputs); // this is where exception is thrown
// Classify the samples using the model
int[] answers = nb.Decide(inputs);
// Plot the results
ScatterplotBox.Show("Expected results", inputs, outputs);
ScatterplotBox.Show("Naive Bayes results", inputs, answers).Hold();
The stacktrace of my program
The examples.xls downloaded from the same page you indicated in your post seems to have bad/incompatible/outdated data. In column G, replacing all -1 with 0 (rows 2 to 51) does the trick, using Accord v3.4.2-alpha.