I'm trying to use the code to find the address of a certain value in a Worksheet using Epplus and Linq. The value is in column D (4), but could be in any cell However, the following error is displayed
Linq Code
var query3 = (from cell in sheet.Cells["d:d"]
where cell.Value.ToString().Equals("CRÉDITOS")
select cell);
Error in Results View:
at ExcelTests.Form1.<>c.<button1_Click>b__1_0(ExcelRangeBase cell)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.SystemCore_EnumerableDebugView`1.get_Items()
As @krillgar
suggested, you should rewrite the linq statement to include the possibility of Value
returning null
var query3 =
from cell in sheet.Cells["d:d"]
where cell.Value?.ToString() == "CRÉDITOS"
select cell;