I want to assign filtered data to controller variable in ng-if:
<section ng-if="($ctrl.filteredOperations = $ctrl.operations | filter: customFilter).length > 0">
<header>Count: {{$ctrl.filteredOperations .length}}</header>
<div ng-repeat="operation in $ctrl.filteredOperations ">...</div>
I tried different approaches with no luck.
Why am I doing this?
I have a service which holds the collection of operations.
financialService.operations(); - this returns operations, from API or from cache.
So in my controller:
vm.operations = ops;
Now if I update my cache by any means, it'll update my view.
I would suggest you to move the filtering to your controller:
$ctrl.filteredOperations = $filter('customFilter')($ctrl.operations);
And then display it as the following:
<section ng-if="$ctrl.filteredOperations.length">
<header>Count: {{$ctrl.filteredOperations.length}}</header>
<div ng-repeat="operation in $ctrl.filteredOperations">...</div>
In my opinion, when the logic become complex, it is always better to move it to controller instead of doing all in HTML.