I working on an application which reads message from Azure service bus. This application was created using spring boot, Spring jms and Qpid jms client. I am able to read the message properly from Queue without any issues. PFB My code which I am using to read message.
public class QueueReceiver {
@JmsListener(destination = "testing")
public void onMessage(String message) {
if (null != message) {
System.out.println("Received message from Queue: " + message);
Issue is we have different destinations for different environemnts, like testing
for dev
, testing-qa
for qa
and testing-prod
for production
, all these values are provided as azure.queueName
in different application-(ENV).proerpties respectively. I want to pass these destinations dynamically to the destination in JmsListener Annotation. When i try using
private String dest;
and passing dest to annotation like @JmsListener(destination = dest)
I am getting The value for annotation attribute JmsListener.destination must be a constant expression
Error. After googling with this Error i found that we cannot pass dynamic value to Annotation. Please help me how to resolve this issue or any other solution for this.
i.e. put the placeholder in the annotation directly.