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Pause GSAP animation after 2nd react component rendered

Trying to pause or remove GSAP animation within the else part of this conditional..

Container code -

     renderNews = () => {
   * Renders news snippets, no filtering at this time
    let max = 2
    let count = 0
    let posts = => {
      console.log('count' + count)
      console.log('renderNews article => ', article)
      if (count <= max) {
        return (
          <Grid md={0.5} sm={1} key={} >
              date={moment(article.date_gmt).format('Do MMMM YYYY')}
              buttonText='Read More'
              link={'/posts/' + article.slug}
      } else {
        return ( // or whatever the right grid thing is
          <Grid md={1 / 3} sm={1 / 2} xs={1} key={} >
              date={moment(article.date_gmt).format('Do MMMM YYYY')}
              //  excerpt={article.excerpt.rendered}
              buttonText='Read More'
              link={'/posts/' + article.slug}
    return posts

Component Code -

export default class SnippetNewsEvents extends React.Component { // eslint-disable-line react/prefer-stateless-function
  constructor () {
    this.state = {
      image: null
  componentDidMount = () => {
    this.contentTween = new TimelineMax().add([
      TweenMax.fromTo(this.wrapper, 1, {
        scale: '0.95'
      }, {
        scale: '1'

    this.scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: this.wrapper, triggerHook: 0.8, duration: window.innerHeight/2})
                  .addIndicators({name: 'snippets'})
  getImage (image) {
    if (typeof image === 'string') {
      this.setState({image: image})
    } else if (typeof image === 'number' && image !== 0) {
      fetch('' + image)
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => {
        this.setState({image: data.source_url})
      }).catch(error => {
        if (dev) console.error('Error:', error)
  showImage (image) {
    if (this.state.image == null) {
      return null
    } else {
      return (
        <SnippetImage src={this.state.image} data-rjs='2' />
  showLocation = () => {
    if (this.props.event) {
      return (
          <H3c title={this.props.title}>{this.props.title}</H3c>
              <Icon className='buttonIcon' src={require('../../images/time_icon.png')} data-rjs='2' />
              <Detail copy={} news />
              <Icon className='buttonIcon' src={require('../../images/location_icon.png')} />
              <Detail copy={this.props.location} />
    } else {
      return (
          <Detail uppercase={this.props.event} copy={} />
          <Detail excerpt copy={this.props.excerpt} />
  componentWillUnmount () {
    this.scene = this.scene.destroy()
  render (props) {
    if (dev) console.log('SnippetNewsEvents => ', this.props)
    return (
      <EventsItemWrapper innerRef={c => (this.wrapper = c)} className='snippet' small={this.props.compressed}>
        <Button className='hvr-trim hvr-trim-alt' black snippet link={} content='Read More'>{this.props.content}</Button>

I'm new to both react and GSAP and js :((


  • Given that you've defined this.scene in SnippetNewsEvents, you can use a ref to stop the animation.

    You should turn renderNews into a class component and then use its lifecycle method componentWillReceiveProps to either stop or start the animation. Let's see how this might be implemented:

    container component
    componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { => count++ ...));
     // condition is met, stop animation
     if (count > max) { this.snippetNewEventsRef.contentScene.pause(); return; }
    render() {
      return (...<SnippetNewsEvents ref={(c) => this.snippetNewsEventsRef = c} .../>);

    This is off the top of my head though, so test it first. It should work: in this case, this.snippetNewsEventsRef is an object that will have a key contentTween.

    Edit: tested, working. See JSBin here