Search code examples

Assignment on sorting a list

I'm very close to being done, but can't quite figure out how to tie everything together. I have the separate methods responsible for their particular task, but i feel like my cohesion is really bad. not real sure how they tie together and what needs to be called in main. The goal here is to read a text file from the command line and list the words in the story lexicographically.

% java Ten < story.txt
Word      Occurs
====      ======
a          21
animal      3
zebra       1

Here's my code thus far:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Ten2
    public static void main(String [] arg)
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;

        String word;
        List sortedList = new List();
        word = nextWord(input);

        while (word!=null) {
            word = nextWord(input);


    private static String nextWord(Scanner input)
        // return null if there are no more words
        if (input.hasNext() == false )
            return null;
        // take next element, convert to lowercase, store in s
        else { 
            String s = ;
            // empty string
            String token = "";
            // loop through s and concatonate chars onto token
            for (int i =0; i < s.length(); i++) {
                if (Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i)) == true)
                    token = token + s.charAt(i);
                else if (s.charAt(i) == '\'' )
                    token = token + s.charAt(i);
                else if (s.charAt(i) == '-')
                    token = token + s.charAt(i);
            return token; 

class List
     * Internally, the list of strings is represented by a linked chain 
     * of nodes belonging to the class ListNode. The strings are stored
     * in lexicographical order.
    private static class ListNode
        // instance variables for ListNode objects
        public String word;
        public ListNode next;
        public int count;

        // Listnode constructor               
        public ListNode(String w, ListNode nxt)
            word = w; // token from nextWord()?
            next = nxt; // link to next ListNode
            count = 1; // number of word occurences

    // instance variables for List object
    private ListNode first;
    private int numWords;

    // constructor postcondition: creates new Listnode storing object
    public List()
        first = null; // pointer to ListNode?
        numWords = 0; // counter for nodes in list

    //  Insert a specified word into the list, keeping the list 
    //  in lexicographical order.
    public void insert(String word)
        // check if first is null
        if (first == null) {
            ListNode newNode;
            newNode = addNode(word, null);
            first = newNode;          

        // else if (first is not null) check if word matches first word in List
        else if (word.equals(first.word)) {
            // increase count

        // else (first is not null && doesn't match first word) 
        else {  
            ListNode newNode;
            ListNode current;
            current = first;
            ListNode previous;
            previous = null;
            int cmp =  word.compareTo(current.word);

             * Fist two cases of empty list and word already existing
             * handled in above if and else statements, now by using compareTo() 
             * method between the words, the insertion postion can be determined.
             * Links between ListNode variables current and previous need to be
             * modified in order to maintain the list

            // loop as long as value comparing to is positive
            // when compareTo() returns positive this means the "word" parameter is greater than the word in the list 
            while ((cmp >0) && ( != null)) {
                previous = current;    
                current =;
                cmp =  word.compareTo(current.word);

            // insert after current at end of list
            if ((cmp >0 && == null)) {
                newNode = addNode(word, null);
       = newNode;

            // increments count when word already exists
            else if (cmp==0) {

            // else (cmp < 0) we insert BEFORE current
            else { 
                newNode = addNode(word, current);

                // first node in list comes after new word
                if (previous == null) {
                    first = newNode;       

                else {
                    // inserting new word in middle of list
           = newNode;

    // method to add new ListNode and increase counter
    private ListNode addNode(String word, ListNode next)
        ListNode newNode = new ListNode(word, next);
        return newNode;

    // Returns a string array that contains all the words in the list.  
    public String[] getWords() 
        String[] Words = new String[numWords];
        ListNode current = first;
        int i =0;

        while (current != null) {     
            Words[i] = current.word;
            current =;
        return Words;

    // Returns an int array that contains the number of times 
    // each word occurs in the list.  
    public int[] getNumbers()
        int[] Numbers = new int[numWords];
        ListNode current = first;
        int i =0;

        while (current != null) {
            Numbers[i] = current.count;
            current =;
        return Numbers;

    // Outputs the string array and int array containing all the   
    // words in the list and the number of times each occurs.
    public void printWords()
        int[] Numbers = getNumbers();
        String[] Words = getWords();

        System.out.println("Word   \t    \t    Occurs");
        System.out.println("====   \t    \t    ======");

        for (int i =0; i < numWords; i++) { 
            System.out.println(Words[i] + " \t " + Numbers[i]);   


  • Well, I would start by defining what you want your program to do, which you've already done:

    The goal here is to read a text file from the command line and list the words in the story lexicographically.

    You're main function does this almost. Basically, what you need is a loop to tie it together:

    public static void main(String [] arg)
        // print out your initial information first (i.e. your column headers)
        // ...
        List sortedList = new List();
        String word = nextWord();
        // now, the question is... what is the end condition of the loop?
        // probably that there aren't any more words, so word in this case
        // will be null
        while (word != null)
          word = nextWord();
        // now, your list takes care of the sorting, so let's just print the list

    I think that's all there is to it. Normally, I don't like to post solutions to homework questions, but in this case, since you already had all of the code and you just needed a little nudge to drive you in the right direction, I think it's fine.

    There are a few things I noticed that are incorrect with your

    Your list constructor has a 'void' return type - there should be no return type on constructors:

    public List() //make an empty list
        first = null;
        numWords = 0;

    The 'else' statement in this method is unneeded:

        public static String nextWord()
            if ( keyboard.hasNext() == false )
                return null;
            else {   
                String start = ;
                String organized = "";
                for (int i =0; i < start.length(); i++) {
                    if (Character.isLetter(start.charAt(i)) == true)
                        organized = organized + start.charAt(i);
                    else if (start.charAt(i) == '\'' )
                        organized = organized + start.charAt(i);
                    else if (start.charAt(i) == '-')
                        organized = organized + start.charAt(i);
                return organized;       

    So, this should be:

    public static String nextWord()
        if ( keyboard.hasNext() == false )
            return null;
        String start = ;
        String organized = "";
        for (int i =0; i < start.length(); i++) {
            if (Character.isLetter(start.charAt(i)) == true)
                organized = organized + start.charAt(i);
            else if (start.charAt(i) == '\'' )
                organized = organized + start.charAt(i);
            else if (start.charAt(i) == '-')
                organized = organized + start.charAt(i);
        return organized;   

    If you want to use a BufferedReader, it's pretty easy. Just set it up in your main method:

      if (arg.length > 0)
        // open our file and read everything into a string buffer
        BufferedReader bRead = null;
        try {
          bRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(arg[0]));
        } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    Then, create a new method that sets up the scanner object:

    public static void setupScanner(BufferedReader rdr)
      keyboard = new Scanner(rdr);

    And then just pass it in on the command line (i.e. java ten2 [filename])