I have a C# program that generates documents using OpenXml. It replaces bookmarks with values using the following method :
private void FillBookmark(BookmarkStart bookmark, string value)
var text = new Text(value);
IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> elementsAfter = bookmark.ElementsAfter();
IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> insideBookmark = elementsAfter.TakeWhile(element => !(element is BookmarkEnd));
foreach (OpenXmlElement element in insideBookmark)
OpenXmlElement previousSibling = bookmark.PreviousSibling();
while (previousSibling is BookmarkStart || previousSibling is BookmarkEnd)
previousSibling = previousSibling.PreviousSibling();
var container = new Run(text);
In this particular word document, the font used is Raleway. There are several bookmarks and after the execution of this method, two bookmarks are using the Calibri font. I tried to rewrite theses bookmarks to be sure they are in Raleway but they continue to change to Calibri.
How is this possible ?
First of all your code creates new element without previous RunProperties. So, you get something like next snippet:
instead of it:
<w:r w:rsidRPr="00DE66A4">
<w:rFonts w:ascii="Algerian" w:hAnsi="Algerian" />
<w:lang w:val="en-US" />
You can copy any properties like this:
private void FillBookmark(BookmarkStart bookmark, string value)
var text = new Text(value);
IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> elementsAfter = bookmark.ElementsAfter();
IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> insideBookmark = elementsAfter.TakeWhile(element => !(element is BookmarkEnd));
foreach (OpenXmlElement element in insideBookmark)
OpenXmlElement previousSibling = bookmark.PreviousSibling();
while (previousSibling is BookmarkStart || previousSibling is BookmarkEnd)
previousSibling = previousSibling.PreviousSibling();
//Get previous font.
var runProperties = previousSibling.GetFirstChild<ParagraphMarkRunProperties>().GetFirstChild<RunFonts>();
//var runProperties = previousSibling.GetFirstChild<RunProperties>(); - if its simple element.
// Clone.
var newProperty = (RunFonts)runProperties.Clone();
// Create container with properties.
var container = new Run(text)
RunProperties = new RunProperties() { RunFonts = newProperty }