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Update multiple connection strings in Excel using PowerShell

I currently have a PS script that refreshes Excel files that have 1 data connection and it works perfectly. The issue is that I've built other Excel files that have 3 data connections. When I try to use the below code for the files with 3 data connection strings, the data gets processed, but only one of the data connections gets updated. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get all data connections updated? I tried repeating the "refresh all"/"Save" part of the code, but that gave me error messages. Any help would be appreciated.

$excel = new-object -comobject excel.application
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$excelFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "File Folder Location (ex. C:\Documents)" -Include *.xls, *.xlsm,*.xlsx, *.lnk -Recurse
Foreach($file in $excelFiles)
$workbook = $$file.fullname)
$worksheet = $workbook.worksheets.item(1)


  • Depending on your connections, one the methods might help you (untested)

    $excel = new-object -comobject excel.application
    $excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
    $excelFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:userprofile)\Documents)" -Include *.xls, *.xlsm,*.xlsx, *.lnk -Recurse
    Foreach($file in $excelFiles) {
        $workbook = $$file.fullname)
        # ---- this method ----
        foreach ($Conn in $workbook.Connections){
            $Conn.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = $false
        # ---- and/or this method ----
        foreach ($Sheet in $workbook.Worksheets) {
            foreach ($QTable in $Sheet.QueryTables) {
                $QTable.BackgroundQuery = $false
        # ----- might get you further, depneding on your connections ----