I'm implementing the downloading PDF file with react-native-fetch-blob. But I have an error "Can't find variable: received"
notification: true,
path: 'downloads/pdf_test.pdf',
indicator: true,
overwrite: true,
addAndroidDownloads: {
path: RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.SDCardDir +'/downloads/pdf_test.pdf',
useDownloadManager: true,
notification: true,
overwrite: true,
description: 'downloading content...',
mime: 'application/pdf',
mediaScannable: false
.fetch('GET', 'http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf')
.progress(received, total)
console.log('progress', received / total)
Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks in advance.
The progress
function needs to get a function, not two variables as parameters. This is what you need to change to:
notification: true,
path: 'downloads/pdf_test.pdf',
indicator: true,
overwrite: true,
addAndroidDownloads: {
path: RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.SDCardDir +'/downloads/pdf_test.pdf',
useDownloadManager: true,
notification: true,
overwrite: true,
description: 'downloading content...',
mime: 'application/pdf',
mediaScannable: false
.fetch('GET', 'http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf')
.progress((received, total) => {
console.log('progress', received / total)