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Simple Injector Register Concrete Type with Lifestyle

I am looking for a way that I can register a concrete type with a specified Lifestyle, essentially something like the following.

public void SomeFunction( Type concrete, Lifestyle lifestyle ) =>
    container.Register( concrete, lifestyle );


  • When it comes to making a single one-to-one mapping in Simple Injector, there is practically just one method:

    Container.Register(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, Lifestyle lifestyle);

    All other methods are just convenient overloads or 'shortcuts' to this method. The following method for instance:

    Container.Register<TService, TImplementation>(Lifestyle)

    Eventually falls back to the non-generic overload by calling Register(typeof(TService), typeof(TImplementation), lifestyle).

    The same holds for overloads that don't take in a Lifestyle:

    Container.Register<TService, TImplementation>()

    They just forward the call by supplying the determined lifestyle for the given implementation type, which is -under default configuration- is the transient lifestyle: Register<TService, TImpementation>(Lifestyle.Transient).

    And there are multiple overloads that allow a shortcut registration for concrete types, such as:


    This method forwards the call to Register<TConcrete, TConcrete>(). In other words, TConcrete is both supplied for TService and TImplementation. So eventually, this call ends up as Register(typeof(TConcrete), typeof(TConcrete), Lifestyle.Transient).

    So, long story short, the following methods allow you to register a concrete type with a lifestyle:

    Register<TConcrete, TConcrete>(Lifestyle.Scoped)
    Register(typeof(Concrete), typeof(Concrete), Lifestyle.Scoped);