I'm using the .NET version of the vCloud SDK from VMware. I have a VM with two storages, one of type "x" and the other of type "y".
However, when calling vm.Resource.StorageProfile.name I only get the name of the first disk (x)
vCloudClient client = new vCloudClient(url, com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.constants.Version.V1_5);
Organization organisation = Organization.GetOrganizationByReference(client, client.GetOrgRefsByName()[orgName]);
Vdc vdc = Vdc.GetVdcByReference(client,organisation.GetVdcRefByName(vdcName));
ReferenceType vappref = vdc.GetVappRefByName("myVappName");
Vapp vapp = Vapp.GetVappByReference(client,vappref);
List<VM> vms = vapp.GetChildrenVms();
foreach(VM vm in vms)
//VM I'm having trouble with
string storageprofile = vm.Resource.StorageProfile.name //returns value: x
Is there any other way to get both the "x" and "y" storages?
Hey try parsing via the vdc storage profile instead
heres the link type for it:
If that is not what you need you need to search for the Storage Profile list itself, where it gives href or a link type for EACH storage policy with their name and href type link for that specific storage policy
most probably vm.GetDisks gives you the storage policy "link" (im not sure, but i think it should, I dont use C#, but python and powershell)