How to get the jobs output in an CSV format. When I execute the command below, I get the output on the screen, but when I export it to CSV it does not have the same format.
$wmidiskblock = {
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $args[0] -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C:'" |
Select-Object Size, Freespace
(Test-Connection -ComputerName $args[0] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IPV4Address) |
Select-Object IPAddressToString -Unique
Get-Service -ComputerName $args[0] | ? {
($_.DisplayName -match "VMWARE") -and
($_.Name -notmatch "mbcs") -and
($_.Name -notmatch "vmvss") -and
($_.Name -notmatch "vmware-autodeploy-waiter") -and
($_.Name -notmatch "vmware-network-coredump") -and
($_.Name -notmatch "VMWareNetworkCoredumpWebserve") -and
($_.Name -notmatch "vsan-health")
} -ErrorAction Stop
$com = @()
$com = "Server-x" , "Server-y"
$pop = @()
foreach ($ser in $com) {
[array]$pop += Start-Job -ArgumentList $ser -ScriptBlock $wmidiskblock -Name top1
Get-Job -Name top1 | Receive-Job -Keep
Actual output:
Size : 64422408192 Freespace : 4908081152 RunspaceId : cdb3xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx IPAddressToString : x.x.x.x RunspaceId : cdb3xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx Status : Running Name : client_service DisplayName : VMware Horizon Client Status : Running Name : ftnlsv3hv DisplayName : VMware Netlink Supervisor Service Status : Running Name : ftscanmgrhv DisplayName : VMware Scanner Redirection Client Server-x
Desired output (as a CSV file):
Server Totalspace in GB Freespace in GB IP VMware ESX Agent Manager VMware Inventory Service Server-x 100 36 Running Running
You need to transform your data to something that's actually exportable to CSV. Basically that means you need to take the bits of information you extract from the servers and put it into one object for each server:
$wmidiskblock = {
$disk = Get-WmiObject ...
$addr = (Test-Connection ...
$svc = Get-Service ...
$prop = [ordered]@{
Server = $args[0]
Totalspace = $disk.Size
Freespace = $disk.Freespace
IP = $addr
$svc | ForEach-Object { $prop[$_.Name] = $_.Status }
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $prop
Then you can export the data received from the jobs like this:
... | Receive-Job | Export-Csv 'C:\path\to\output.csv' -NoType -Append