in ProcessWire admin you're only able to log in using your name (username) but as I'm using e-mail log in in front end I want to use e-mail for backend, too.
How can I change admin login form to allow e-mail-address?
Here is the solution I came up with
I placed those hooks in my site/init.php file
// change login name input label to e-mail-address
$wire->addHookAfter('ProcessLogin::buildLoginForm', function(HookEvent $event) {
// on liner as we don't change anything else
$event->return->get('login_name')->set('label', $event->_('E-Mail-Address'));
// hook into session::login to get user by mail
$wire->addHookBefore('Session::login', function(HookEvent $event) {
// need to get email from $input as processLogin::execute is pageName sanitizing
$email = $event->input->post->email('login_name');
// stop here if login_name not a valid email
if (!$email) return;
// new selector arrays don't seem to work on $user so using $pages here
$user = $event->pages->get([['email', $email]]);
// if valid user set login name argument
if ($user->id) $event->setArgument('name', $user->name);
bare in mind that e-mail is not a unique field so if you don't ensure uniqueness of e-mail addresses this won't work, you could change it a little to overcome this though..
Have a look at where Ryan posts some more infos about this and possible solutions in case of duplicate e-mail addresses and for more on front-end login strategies