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How to reify Java Interfaces with overloaded method?

I am trying to 'implement' the following Java interface from JGroups with reify.

public interface MessageListener extends StateListener {
    * Called when a message is received.
    * @param msg
    void receive(Message msg);

    /** Called when a batch of messages is received */
    default void receive(MessageBatch batch) {
        for(Message msg: batch) {
            try {receive(msg);}
            catch(Throwable t) {}

In this case the receive method is present twice, with one parameter each (and different types, of course). When I try to reify with the following code in CIDER:

(reify org.jgroups.MessageListener (receive[#^org.jgroups.Message msg] 
                                     (println msg)))

I get an error message:

CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't define method not in interfaces: receive, compiling:(*cider-repl clj-groups*:49:21)

As receive is definitely available in the interface, I assume that this issue is related to the overloaded method and my typ hint is not working. What am I doing wrong?

Edit: After changing the code according to Lees comment:

(reify org.jgroups.MessageListener (receive[this #^org.jgroups.Message msg]                                     
                                     (println msg)))

the error message changed:

CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatched return type: receive, expected: void, had: java.lang.Object, compiling:(*cider-repl clj-groups*:80:21)


  • The following works when you add missing this argument and hint the return and argument types:

    $ boot -d org.jgroups/jgroups:4.0.0.Final repl
    (import '(org.jgroups MessageListener Message) '(org.jgroups.util MessageBatch))
    ;;=> org.jgroups.util.MessageBatch
    (def listener
      (reify MessageListener
        (^void receive [this ^Message msg] (println "Message"))
        (^void receive [this ^MessageBatch batch] (println "MessageBatch"))))
    ;;=> #'boot.user/listener
    (.receive listener (Message.))
    ;; Message
    ;;=> nil
    (.receive listener (MessageBatch. 0))
    ;; MessageBatch
    ;;=> nil