The data looks like this
[{time: '09:00', 'level':'x3', 'type':'ae'}
time: '10:00', 'level':'x6', 'type':'fe'}
time: '09:00', 'level':'y3', 'type':'hy'}
time: '11:00', 'level':'z3', 'type':'hy'}]
The result what i would like to get: filter by the time - 09:00, and create splitted arrays for the same kinds.
Example result:
{"levels": [ "x3","y3"],"types": ["ae","hy"]}
I can do this in three function(filter and map) but I would like to chain them. Is it possible in more elegant way?
Thanks in advance.
Note: the result will be an object containing the two arrays. To get that object, you can use reduce
like this:
var arr = [
{time: '09:00', 'level':'x3', 'type':'ae'},
{time: '10:00', 'level':'x6', 'type':'fe'},
{time: '09:00', 'level':'y3', 'type':'hy'},
{time: '11:00', 'level':'z3', 'type':'hy'}
var result = arr.filter(o => o.time === '09:00')
.reduce((acc, o) => {
return acc;
}, {levels: [], types: []});