So I have some TestNG SuiteXML files containing runtime params like so:-
<parameter name="environment" value="${environment}"/>
<parameter name="port" value="${port}"/>
and my POM looks like so:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"> 4.0.0
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- pom.xml -->
My error is:
[ERROR] Resolving expression: '${environment}': Detected the following recursive expression cycle in 'environment': [environment] -> [Help 2]
[ERROR] Resolving expression: '${port}': Detected the following recursive expression cycle in 'port': [port] -> [Help 2]
Am I being stupid? Probably, I am only a tester after all and have a very small brain. Can anyone help me troubleshoot? Does my POM look squiffy?
It will not download my required jars to the local .m2 until I can fix it - I have tried blowing away .m2 and doing mvn install joy.
Your errors come from this part:
When you use ${port} Maven looks for the value in <port>X</port>
which here X=${port} and so on... So that's why you get a recursive issue here