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IdentityServer4: Using refresh_token to get a new access_token when clients doesn't know the client_secret

Firstly: I can successfully make calls to

http://localhost:7791/connect/token POST

and this returns a new access_token, refresh_token, expires_in, and token_type.

However, I want to do it without a client_secret. In my case my clients are remote applications that have been issued a starting access_token, refresh_token, etc.

using this call.

http://localhost:7791/connect/token POST
&scope=arbitrary offline_access

The initial call is trusted and the secrets know, but downstream usage of the refresh_token should not require the client_secret.

How can I configure this or where would I have to code my own abstraction to make things work this way?


  • Not out of the box.

    You could implement that using an extension grant.