My application has a few pages with textboxes (I used xaml in PCL). I need to save the data that is typed in in an xml file. The problem is that there is no System.IO.FileStream (which I need in order to be able to save the data) method in PCL so I somehow need to get it from the native UWP class (the application should be running on a windows mobile 10). How do I do that? I've been suggested to use DependencyServices but how would I use it to get access to System.IO.Filestream in this case?
I'm sorry for using wrong terms, I'm a big noob who's watched multiple hours of xamarin tutorials but still struggels to get something done correctly.
One easy way is to use the PCLStorage NuGet library. It lets you read and write files from your PCL code is a cross platform way. You will have to add PCLStorage NuGet to your PCL project and any native project you want to access files in.