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url-pattern in web.xml not recognising multiple url

I have web.xml like this :


and servlet-mapping for the servlet is:


When i use :


It finds the servlet MyDisplayCourse, but when i use append /admin/


This shows 404 error code in my web app. Can someone help me why doesn't support url like /admin/displaystudent but supports only single url like /displaystudent only.


  • There is no issue with url-pattern

    the issue is with your code in


    RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("StudentTable.jsp");


    RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("/StudentTable.jsp");


    If the path begins with a "/" it is interpreted as relative to the current context root

    otherwise it will concatinate with relative path in your case '/admin/StudentTable.jsp'

    following code is implementation of getRequestDispatcher

    public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(final String path) {
    String realPath;
     if (path.startsWith("/")) {
        realPath = path;
     } else {
        String current = exchange.getRelativePath();
        int lastSlash = current.lastIndexOf("/");
        if (lastSlash != -1) {
            current = current.substring(0, lastSlash + 1);
        realPath = CanonicalPathUtils.canonicalize(current + path);
     return new RequestDispatcherImpl(realPath, servletContext);