sorry for my english but i'm italian... i would like to create a code that calculate if point (with two coordinates) is inside polygon with concave and convex angles. I tried few codes because is too difficult..
var polygon = [
var point= [68,38.5];
I hope that you can help me...
Thanks a lot
The algo is based on this site:
It is superfast and handle various polygon types. I have tuned it to javascript and to your data structure.
function IsPointInPolygon(poly_array, test_point) {
var inside = false;
var test_x = test_point[0];
var test_y = test_point[1];
for(var i=0; i<(poly_array.length-1); i++) {
var p1_x = poly_array[i][0];
var p1_y = poly_array[i][1];
var p2_x = poly_array[i+1][0];
var p2_y = poly_array[i+1][1];
if((p1_y<test_y && p2_y>=test_y) || (p2_y<test_y && p1_y>=test_y)) { // this edge is crossing the horizontal ray of testpoint
if((p1_x+(test_y-p1_y)/(p2_y-p1_y)*(p2_x-p1_x)) < test_x) { // checking special cases (holes, self-crossings, self-overlapping, horizontal edges, etc.)
return inside;
You can call it directly with your variables:
if(IsPointInPolygon(polygon, point)) {
else {