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Why can't the Option.expect() message be downcast as a &'static str when a panic is handled with catch_unwind?

I have the following code:

use std::thread;
use std::panic;

pub fn main(){
    thread::spawn(move || {
        panic::catch_unwind(|| {
            // panic!("Oh no! A horrible error.");
            let s: Option<u32> = None;
            s.expect("Nothing was there!");
    .and_then(|result| {
        match result {
            Ok(ref val) => {
                println!("No problems. Result was: {:?}", val);
            Err(ref err) => {
                if let Some(err) = err.downcast_ref::<&'static str>() {
                    println!("Error: {}", err);
                } else {
                    println!("Unknown error type: {:?}", err);

When I trigger a panic! directly (by uncommenting the line in the code above), then I get an output which includes my error message:

Error: Oh no! A horrible error.

But, if I use Option::expect(&str), as above, then the message cannot be downcast to &'static str, so I can't get the error message out:

Unknown error type: Any

How can I get the error message, and how would I find the correct type to downcast to in the general case?


  • Option::expect expects a message as a &str, i.e. a string slice with any lifetime. You can't coerce a &str to a &'static str, as the string slice may refer to the interior of a String or Box<str> that could be freed at any time. If you were to keep a copy of the &'static str around, you would be able to use it after the String or Box<str> has been dropped, and that would be undefined behavior.

    An importail detail is that the Any trait cannot hold any lifetime information (hence the 'static bound), as lifetimes in Rust are erased at compile time. Lifetimes are used by the compiler to validate your program, but a program cannot distinguish a &'a str from a &'b str from a &'static str at runtime.

    [...] how would I find the correct type to downcast to in the general case?

    Unfortunately, it's not easy. Any has a method (unstable as of Rust 1.15.1) named get_type_id that lets you obtain the TypeId of the concrete object referred to by the Any. That still doesn't tell you explicitly what type that is, as you still have to figure out which type this TypeId belongs to. You would have to get the TypeId of many types (using TypeId::of) and see if it matches the one you got from the Any, but you could do the same with downcast_ref.

    In this instance, it turns out that the Any is a String. Perhaps Option::expect could eventually be specialized such that it panics with the string slice if its lifetime is 'static and only allocates a String if it's not 'static.