hi friends im making a simple chess game.and i want to know how can i move between pictureboxes?i made 64 pictureboxes(for each place one picturebox) and for example i want to move the king piece that is in picturebox2 in the picturebox that is on top of the picturebox2.thanks for your help
for example like this:
picturebox2.image=picturebox.image.up///move the image in picturebox into the picture box that is on top of the picturebox2
is it possible?
If the problem is "how to locate the field that's above the current field":
You need to store your pictureBoxes not (just) as picturebox1 to pictureBox64, but (also) as a two-dimensional array: PictureBox[,] grid = new PictureBox[8,8];
. (*)
Then you need to find out where that 'current' field is in the grid. From there it's simple to calculate where the 'next' field would be (y=y+1). Watch out that you don't go over the edge of the field.
(*) Although you might want to remember more per field than just the picturebox, such as what piece (if any) occupies that field?