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VHDL Hierarchical Configuration

I'm trying to change the mapping of a library primative from unisim to unifast in my design, but only for simulation purposes. I want to specify the configuration at the testbench level.

My design hierarchy looks something like this:

entity m1_chip_tb is
end m1_chip_tb;

architecture behavioral of m1_chip_tb is
    m1: entity work.m1_chip
        m1_clocks: entity work.clock_logic_m1
            mmcm_pix: MMCME2_ADV

All the examples for doing VHDL configurations (including the ones on Xilinx's site) that I've been able to find seem to assume the configuration applies to a entity instantiated locally. But I need a configuration that drills down from the top testbench level.

Here's what I've tried using:

configuration cfg_xilinx of m1_chip is 
    for rtl
        for m1:clock_logic_m1
            use entity work.clock_logic_m1(rtl);
                for rtl
                    for all:MMCME2
                        use entity unifast.MMCME2;
                    end for;
                end for;
        end for;
    end for;
end cfg_xilinx;

But I get an error "Cannot find component declaration" on the m1: line

Incidentally, the entire design is written using instantiation by entity with the exception of the MMCME2_ADV instantiation.

I'd appreciate any suggestions for how to properly specify the hierarchy in the configuration definition.

(As a point of clarification, I have the unisim libary specified in the clock_logic_m1.vhd file. I'm trying to override that for my simulations); i.e.:

library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;


  • You cannot use configuration with direct instantiation - that is the main drawback. However, if you don't insist on using configuration for the control, you can use propagated generics or have constants in a shared package to achieve what you want:

    g_MMCM_RTL : if gGeneric_or_cConstant generate
        mmcm_rtl : [entity library.]MMCME2_ADV
    . . .
    end generate g_MMCM_RTL;
    g_MMCM_SIM : if not gGeneric_or_cConstant generate
        mmcm_sim : [entity library.]MMCME2
    . . . 
    end generate g_MMCM_SIM;