I'm using Eureka for my upload form. And I have a UPLOAD button, like this:
<<< ButtonRow() {
$0.title = "UPLOAD";
}.onCellSelection { cell, row in
var formValues = self.form.values();
formValues["userId"] = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "userId");
self.upload(parameters: formValues); // <- How do I us formValues ?
I'm getting this error:
Cannot convert value of type '[String : Any?]' to expected argument type 'Array'
And I have upload() function:
func upload(parameters: Array<Any>) { // <- formValues?
I don't know formValues is Dictionary or Array? Anyway, how do I pass this parameters to this my function?
It looks like formValues
is of type Dictionary
not Array
. Change your upload function parameters to this:
func upload(parameters: [String: Any?]) {