I'm new to programming and trying to create a basic app with node.js.
I'm using node.js on visual studio with html instead of jade. I have a simple form with name, surname and gender. I have also managed to set up a database with mysql workbench.
I have the following query which adds the name, surname and gender successfully to the mysql database when I run the code.
var user = { "name": "Name", "surname": "Surname", "gender" : "M" };
connection.query('INSERT INTO studentinfo SET ?', user, function (err, res) {
if (err) throw err;
But I am stuck when the data has to be collected from the form when i click the submit button.
I guess its something to do with Ajax, I found some solutions with php, but I'm struggling with finding solutions with node.js and how and where to implement the code.
Here is the app.js file
* Module dependencies.
var express = require('express');
var routes = require('./routes');
var http = require('http');
var path = require('path');
var mysql = require('mysql');
var app = express();
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
password: 'my_password',
database: 'userlist',
var user = { "name": "RandomName", "surname": "RandomSurnameName", "gender" : "M" };
connection.query('INSERT INTO studentinfo SET ?', user, function (err, res) {
if (err) throw err;
//connection.query('SELECT * FROM studentinfo', function (err, rows) {
// if (err) throw err;
// console.log('Data received from Db:\n');
// console.log(rows);
// all environments
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile);
app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.use(require('stylus').middleware(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
// development only
if ('development' == app.get('env')) {
app.get('/', routes.index);
app.get('/about', routes.about);
app.get('/contact', routes.contact);
app.get('/newStudent', routes.newStudent);
http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function () {
console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));
var createStudent = {
name: String,
surname: String,
dob: Date,
gender: String,
connection.query('insert into userlist set ?', createStudent, function (err, result) {
Ok, let's give it a shot.
On the HTML page, you need to submit the student details. A very very basic form looks like this:
<form action="/student" method="post">
First name:<br>
<input type="text" name="name"<br>
Last name:<br>
<input type="text" name="surname"><br>
Date of birth:<br>
<input type="text" name="dob"<br>
<input type="text" name="gender"><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
This is obviously oversimplified, but it will do the trick. So you have some boxes and a button that will POST
this data to your server /student
Now we need to handle that route on the express server. You already have GET
routes, so add this:
app.post('/', function (req, res) {
// this is where you handle the POST request.
var createStudent = {
name: req.body.name,
surname: req.body.surname,
dob: req.body.dob,
gender: req.body.gender
// now the createStudent is an object you can use in your database insert logic.
connection.query('INSERT INTO studentinfo SET ?', createStudent, function (err, resp) {
if (err) throw err;
// if there are no errors send an OK message.
res.send('Saved succesfully');