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Spring Injection into MessageDrivenBean does not work - null pointer - jboss eap 7

I have an MDB which shall get its messageHandler implementation via autowiring. But at runtime this object is null. Even the breakpoint at the setter never has been reached. When having a breakpoint within the onMessage method of the BaseMDB (which is extended by the following MDB) it is reached and I can see the messageHandler-object is null. I then am getting a nullpointer exception. That's why I think that the autowiring does not work.

my MDB looks as follows:

@MessageDriven(name = "MyProjectIntern-Bean", activationConfig = {
                                                                 @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue"),
                                                             @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destination", propertyValue = "queue/q_myproject_intern") })
public class MyprojectInternMDB extends BaseMDB implements MessageListener {

    public void setMessageHandler(@Qualifier("myprojectInternalMessageHandler") MessageHandler messageHandler) {
        this.messageHandler = messageHandler;

As from what I have read the SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor uses the default factory such that I need to have the beanRefContext.xml into class path. It looks as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    <bean id="server.context" class="">

On startup the jboss console also shows me that all these xml files are loaded from beanRefContext.xml by saying:

Loading XML bean definitions from URL [<pathTobeanRefContext.XML][...]

So I think its correctly lying within classpath.

Within the container-context.xml there's amongst others the following entry:


Within the container-services-context.xml there's amongst others the following line:

<bean id="internalMessageHandler" class="com.myproject.server.message.InternalMessageHandler">
    <qualifier value="myprojectInternalMessageHandler" />

So my MDB has an interceptor which shall inject the messageHandler using the given qualifier. The MessageHandler is defined as bean with the same qualifier and referring to the class which shall be injected. This bean is defined within an xml file which in turn is loaded via beanRefContext.xml.

So what do I need more?

Maybe some words to my deployment. There's an ear-file containing a) my MDBs as separate jar-module and b) a war-file containing my web application and c) the lib folder und meta-inf containing all libraries used (including the messageHandler class to be injected).

If you need any further information please just ask for it. Thanks for any help.


  • I solved it by adding what is described for

    <module name="test.module" annotations="true" />

    found at: