I have this RoR system and I am trying to run a bundle install
on Windows 7 64bits with MINGW64. One of the gems I use is rmagick and its native extensions are not being built.
I have devkit correctly installed and some other gems with native extensions (like nokogiri) are being built perfectly. Then I believe this is happening because i don't have some library/headers to perform this compilation correctly.
It happens that I have almost no experience with Windows development. In fact I am trying to make this run exactly to learn more about RoR development under Windows. On a day to day basis I use only Linux (Debian 8 or Slackware 14), but I really don't like to be limited in choice and would really like to learn a bit more about Windows development.
Do someone know what I need to install and how?
rmagick relies on imagemagick below version 7. Redmine has a pretty good guide on installing it for windows that should help your lib issues. http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/HowTo_install_rmagick_gem_on_Windows