How can I free a string up to a certain point? For example if I have:
char *s = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 21);
s[20] = '\0';
int i = 0;
while (i < 21)
s[i] = i + 'a';
And then I cut off the string at some point and store that half:
*(s + 10) = '\0';
char *m = s + 11;
Is there a way to free s
up to s + 10
or the first \0
Since s
has been allocated by the system, you can perform a realloc
on it to shorten the size:
s = realloc(s, 11);
But you cannot free the start of an allocated zone without freeing the rest, that you cannot. Use memmove
& realloc
to shift the data and reduce size afterwards.
Attempting to free
a pointer which hasn't been allocated, or an allocated pointer plus an offset results in undefined behaviour.
You could do (as you suggested yourself, but with problems fixed :)):
char *c = strdup(s + 10);
s = c;
so now s
points to the end of the string.
alternative without strdup
but using standard functions only (with the risk of forgetting the null-termination char):
char *c = malloc(strlen(s) - 10 + 1);
strcpy(c,s + 10);
s = c;
and the memmove
solution I was hinting about at first (avoids to allocate/free but offset/size is trickier to compute):
int offset = 10;
int size = strlen(s) - offset;
s[size]='\0'; // null-terminate
s = realloc(s,size+1); // adjust size after null-termination