I want to set the value NA
to certain rows/columns within a dataframe that occurs before a certain date. But each column has a different date/criteria. So how would this work?
Sample Dataframe:
dates <- c("01/01/2015", "06/15/2015", "11/30/2015")
a <- c(1, 2, 3)
b <- c(2, 4, 6)
c <- c(3, 5, 9)
df <- data.frame(Date = dates, A = a, B = b, C = c)
startDate <- c("02/20/2015", "07/28/2015", "12/01/2015")
So my data.frame would look like this:
Date A B C
01/01/2015 1 2 3
06/15/2015 2 4 5
11/30/2015 3 6 9
Using the startDate
as my criteria, I want to set any value before that date in the relative column to NA
so that my end result would look like this:
Date A B C
01/01/2015 NA NA NA
06/15/2015 2 NA NA
11/30/2015 3 6 NA
Can someone please help me? Btw, my real data.frame has about 20+ columns. The above is just a smaller example of my actual problem.
Thanks in advance!
Test this:
#Do a pairwise comparison of dates using outer
m = matrix(
outer(as.Date(as.character(df[,1]), format = "%m/%d/%Y"),
as.Date(as.character(startDate), format = "%m/%d/%Y"), ">" )
nrow = nrow(df))
m[m == 0] = NA #Set zeroes in m to NA
df[,2:ncol(df)] = df[,2:ncol(df)] * m #Multiply the columns of df (except 1st) with m
# Date A B C
#1 01/01/2015 NA NA NA
#2 06/15/2015 2 NA NA
#3 11/30/2015 3 6 NA