I need to create structures inside the base workspace from inside one of my functions and populate them with values, the problem is I don't explicitly know the names of the structures. Why? My model uses from workspace blocks, 2D arrays need structure form, as per Mathworks documentation. See below.
%some function
function [SimulationData,Error,Warnings] = ExtractTestCaseData(TestCaseFile,TestCase,OutputType)
[NumericData,TextData,RawData] = xlsread(TestCaseFile,TestCase);
%logic to create and populate simulationData structure with data from excel file
if regularVector
assignin('base',SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Name,SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Values(1,:)); %no problem
elseif 2DArray
%now what? I need in the base workspace
assignin('base',SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Name,'1');%create signal name with random value, I don't know the value of Name, need to convert to structure form as in the comments
evalin('base','nameIDontKnow.time=SimulationData.Time;'); %two problems actually, referencing a name I don't know in base workspace and base workspace has no concept of what SimulatinData.Time is, and so on if you catch my drift.
Does anyone have an idea of how to make this work?
my solution
for InputIndex
%2D arrays must be in structure form for from workspace blocks (Mathworks)
%make structure in base workspace and populate with values
assignin('base',SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Name,'[]');%create the signal/structure name give random value for now
evalin('base', sprintf('%s.time=Time;',SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Name));
evalin('base', sprintf('%s.signals.values=Values;',SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Name));
assignin('base','Dimensions',[size(SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Values,1) size(SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Values,2)]);
evalin('base', sprintf('%s.signals.dimensions=Dimensions;',SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Name));