In my Java project I use the org.dozer.BeanMapper to merge a complex source object into a destination object with the same type:
sourceObject.valueA = null
sourceObject.valueB = B1
sourceObject.valueC = C1
destinationObject.valueA = A2
destinationObject.valueB = null
destinationObject.valueC = C2, destinationObject);
This results to this values in my destinationObject:
destinationObject.valueA: null
destinationObject.valueB: B1
destinationObject.valueC: C1
can i configure the BeanMapper in a way that it should not override fields with a null value? My expected result should be:
destinationObject.valueA: A2
destinationObject.valueB: B1
destinationObject.valueC: C1
or even better (dont touch set values of the destination object)
destinationObject.valueA: A2
destinationObject.valueB: B1
destinationObject.valueC: C2
I found the solution:
new BeanMappingBuilder() {
protected void configure() {
mapping(MyObjectDTO.class, MyObjectDTO.class, TypeMappingOptions.mapNull(false));