I have been working on this program for a while and I finally got rid of the compile errors. But when I tried it, the program basically skipped a line of code.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string nameOfFile = "";
char index;
char title[100];
char name[100];
char copyright[100];
cout << "Welcome, and hello to the html templating software" << endl;
cout << "Is this your index page?\ny/n" << endl;
cin >> index;
if (index=='n'){
cout << "Enter the prefered name of this file" << endl;
getline(cin, nameOfFile, '\n');
cout << "What will the title of the page be?" << endl;
cin.getline(title, 100);
cout << "What is your name?" << endl;
cin.getline(name, 100);
cout << "What is the copyright?" << endl;
cin.getline(copyright, 100);
return 0;
You see how after asking if this is your index page it skips the next cin.getline
function no matter the scenario.
When the user entered the index, they also typed a newline, but your cin didn't remove it from the input stream. So, your call to cin.getline returns immediately because of the leftover newline.
Add a call to cin.ignore before the cin.getline to flush it out.