I have a component with two fields, it is a converter. It converts between lbs and kg. I am trying to write a component in which whatever input the user changes i.e lbs or kg, the other input fields updates based upon it. The code is working for a single input. the first input you choose to manipulate updates the other fine, but if you change the other one, it does not work.
What am I doing wrong..
Code Pen URL : http://codepen.io/chesshouse/pen/zZOgVG
HTML code:
<div id="app"></div>
JS Code:
var Converter = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {};
_calc: function (event) {
if (event.target.name === 'lbs'){
kg: this.convertToKG(event.target.value),
} else {
lbs: this.convertToLBS(event.target.value),
convertToLBS: function ( kg ) {
var lbs;
lbs = parseInt( kg ) * 2.2046226218;
return lbs;
convertToKG: function ( lbs ) {
var kg;
kg = parseInt( lbs ) / 2.2046226218;
return kg;
render: function() {
return (
<input type="text" name="lbs" onChange={this._calc} value={this.state.lbs} />
<input type="text" name="kg" onChange={this._calc} value={this.state.kg} />
<Converter />,
The body of your _calc
function only sets one value; given that you have controlled inputs, you need to explicitly update each value when an input is changed.
By adding 2 lines to _calc
you can update the values of both attributes:
_calc: function (event) {
if (event.target.name === 'lbs'){
lbs: event.target.value, // Add this
kg: this.convertToKG(event.target.value),
} else {
lbs: this.convertToLBS(event.target.value),
kg: event.target.value // Add this
Working pen: http://codepen.io/oliverfencott/pen/MpWamo?editors=0010