Hello I am facing a problem during a test and just during my integration test.
Found two representations of same collection: ClientPasswordPolicy.userCategoriesForProxyDuration;
In one of my domains I have the following thing :
Map<String, String> userCategoriesForProxyDuration
that is mapped by like :
userCategoriesForProxyDuration joinTable:
my test looks like :
Client client0 = Client.findByName('client0')
UserCategory userCategory = UserCategory.build(value:'TEST_GUILHERME')
Client client = Client.build(name: 'Monkey')
ClientPasswordPolicy policy = ClientPasswordPolicy.build(client:client)
policy.userCategoriesForProxyDuration = ["TEST_GUILHERME":"36"]
policy.proxyEnabled = true
User user = User.build(username: "Test1", password: "password", client: client0)
Team team = Team.build(name: 'myTeamMonkey', client: client, members: [user])
ClientPasswordPolicy policy1 = ClientPasswordPolicy.build(client:Client.build(name:'Maria'),proxyApproverEmailAddress:'[email protected]')
Client client1 = Client.findByName('Maria')
Team team1 = Team.build(name: 'myTeamMaria1', client: client1, members: [user])
but in the line that I am creating the second policy I am getting the error, I did some tries and for example if I do like:
twice in the second time will get error anyway, the same error. so I am afraid that I don't know why the policy is not been flushed into the transaction and the transaction is holding, that is why I am using the flush after the save even if I am using the build to create my domains.
I found some things like, during the validation of the ClientPasswordPolicy we do things like this :
userCategoriesForProxyDuration nullable: true, validator: { approvals, object ->
if(object.proxyEnabled && !approvals) {
return ['invalid.proxy.user.category.required']
for (approval in approvals) {
if (!(approval.key in UserCategory.list().value)) {
return ['invalid.proxy.approval.userType']
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return ['invalid.proxy.approval.duration']
And if I comment out won't have any problem I am afraid of this UserCategory.list() is causing the trouble but I am not sure what to do with this, I tried to use during the save(validate:false) won't work.
The solution that I found was saving and flushing everything into the test, because the validations where checking the database to validate and was messing with the hibernate.